The project highlights the urgency of addressing the issue of mental health among young people, considered one of the most significant challenges of the contemporary world. It is clear how phenomena such as economic changes, the COVID-19 pandemic, and other crises have increased the mental difficulties of young people, leading to an increase in anxiety, depression, and suicide attempts.
The Stronger Youth project addresses the issues of youth mental health and resilience on a global scale. It enables partner institutions to enhance their activities in areas such as youth resilience, prevention of social exclusion, and communication with young people. Each partner country benefits uniquely, with potential outcomes including improved social inclusion efforts in Italy, increased engagement with at-risk youth in Romania, and strengthened preventive mental health activities in Portugal, the Czech Republic, and Spain.

Promoting socioemotional skills in adolescents at risk of depression or social exclusion, through mentoring relationships with peers.
To build a peer mentoring program as a preventive intervention of mental health and inclusion problems for adolescents.

PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l. offers a co-design space, open to both public and private stakeholders, for the development of strategies and enhancement interventions aimed at valorizing the potential, social, cultural, and economic resources of local communities from an international perspective.

VITECO provides technological support, serious game design, and SCORM format conversion for training institutions, schools, and companies. It is committed to simplicity and usability, making distance learning enjoyable.

CPIP is a non-profit institution promoting lifelong learning and social engagement. It organizes classes, seminars, and workshops locally and internationally, and develops educational programs for diverse communities.

LS PELICAN is dedicated to addressing social issues like youth education, social inclusion, and foreign policy in the Czech Republic. Drawing on over 15 years of experience, LS PELICAN actively promotes civic engagement and participates in European Commission-funded projects covering diverse topics such as education, environment, and online learning tools.

Foundation for the Development of International and Educational Activity – aims to develop and promote international cooperation of local communities supporting education, professional activity and the wellbeing of citizens. It is based in Poland and implements the statutory goals thanks to the development of international, national and local cooperation of broadly understood social character, supporting European integration, active cooperation in the development of civil society and democracy culture as well as scientific, educational and cultural activities.

University of Evora
The University of Évora has 5 schools (Arts; Sciences and Technology; Social Sciences; Health and Human Development; and Nursing) offering numerous undergraduate and graduate courses. The university is part of the National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures and engages with the community through various partnerships. Research areas include, among others, Psychology, Education, Agronomy, Biodiversity, Economics, Computer Science, and Health.

Valencia INNO HUB is a non-profit association registered in the national association registry.
It aims to bring together talent and technology. To achieve this, we are committed to promoting entrepreneurship through actions that foster the creation of an ecosystem conducive to generating technology and knowledge, thus encouraging the creation of technology-based companies.